獨家畫報參加法國安古蘭國際漫畫_新秀獎 )

本報<獨家畫報>專欄積極參與國際賽事,希望打開能見度。近日以”Former Vice President
of Taiwan’s Executive Yuan detained in corruption case”為題,將獨家畫報在鄭文燦羈押攻防期間所繪的系列畫報6幀,報名法國安古蘭國際漫畫_新秀獎 )。


「I am an amateur graffiti enthusiast. Painting has been my interest since childhood. However, because I am engaged in law and construction, I did not have the opportunity to pick up painting again until I was 43 years old. Because of my busy schedule, I have no time to learn drawing software. All the paintings in the competition are I drew it using Microsoft’s little painter program. I have not received any formal art training. Every brushstroke and color scheme are what I want at the moment. I hope to have the opportunity to go to Angoulême and talk to everyone about my understanding of painting.



法國評論家Claude Beylie、評論家弗朗西斯·拉卡森分別於1964年、1971年將漫畫稱為”第九藝術”。據羅浮宮圖書出版處副主任、策展人法布里斯.德瓦(Fabrice Douar)所述,在敘事藝術的領域中,繼承20世紀與21世紀敘事藝術的藝術種類,其實就是漫畫,漫畫裡頭大量保留了文藝復興與中世紀的圖像敘事方式。歷史上甚至不乏因為政治漫畫影響政局的例子。本報期盼藉由參賽,展現出本報對於”透過不同載體傳遞影響力”這件事情上的用心。